I'm Not An Artist =')

These basically explain what I had been working on for the past few days.

Well, this is actually the latest group project for our Graphic and Design subject. We have to modify certain parts of the original product so that it meets the requirements as mentioned in the email below. It is not difficult for us to come up with a mechanical product that has twenty components and above. It could be anything - fridge, toilet bowl, coffee machine, air-conditioner, and so on, as long as the thing possesses the mechanical property. In other words, it must have the mechanism part; a part that involves some movements and processes, thus it is not static.

A chair, for example is a static thing. If we modify it as if we add two wheels, and a gear maybe, and it starts to move, then we call it a dynamic thing. The process to create the movement of the chair now is called mechanism which means the process of doing or processing something.

In this case, the difficult part goes to creating the dimension of the components of the product. Dimension simply means the measurement of the component like its width, its length, its height and et cetera. This process of creating dimension should be done thoroughly before we get started with the real process of creating 3D models for all components.

In the event that we mistakenly set a wrong dimension to certain part of the components, let's say diameter of a hole, the problem will arise in the final stage, during the assembly of the product.

For those who know nothing about this thing, it's like this. Imagine a car that is made up of various components like tires, rims, engine, main body part, exhaust and so on. This is the thing that we are doing at the moment. We've gotta find the components first, create the 3D models for every part of the product, and later we have to assemble the components altogether to make a big product. In other words, we have to combine all  small parts to create the real big part.

We (hmm, it's supposed to be written as 'I') decided to create a gramophone or better known as turntable. Simply said, 'pemain piring hitam'. The main reason of our selection is due to its complexity which is not really complex I guess, keke, as compared to other products available in the market today.

The harder it is to create the product, the higher mark will be obtained by the group that proposes the idea. However the thing is that (no offense), we aim for simplicity as the rest of the group members are not that reliable to create complex parts using Pro-E. So do I. I am not that superb in creating eccentric shape or peculiar extrusions using this software. We can try doing it, but it's all about time constriction and playing it safe. We have to settle this thing fast without any hitch in the making process so that we can present it earlier in class.

Regarding the dimensions, there is no way we can get the original measurements of all components for this product. Every single thing available in the market is patented, meaning to say that it is reserved to the copyright property of the original owner or creator of that product. Therefore, we (it's actually 'I', again) have to think creatively right now in order to come up with the right dimensions for every part of the product.

Let's do this thing well guys, fighting! *passionate ^^*

E-mail, email, email~

It's an unofficial handwritten cover page of the sketches.

11 + 23 + 1 = 35 sketches, done by me! 

Hmm, sketching is an arduous process, I'm telling you that.

Isometric view of the assembled product a.k.a GRAMOPHONE.

Exploded view of the assembled product (23 components).

35 sketches in 1 day, phew. The outcomes are not that satisfying and beautifully drawn, but hey, at least I tried my best in sketching everything. 

Even when the outcome is not that satisfying, but we know that we have put the utmost effort in doing it, the satisfaction will always be there inside our hearts, mark my words. I am still contented with it, because I tried my best to produce the best result for the best sketches. 


"Strive for the best with the best effort so that we will be the best."
"Perfection is not attainable. But if we chase perfection, we can chase excellence."

It's not the end result that should be questioned in our life, it's about the making process to produce the end result. Don't bother about producing the best result, but feel free to bother about the effort that we put in, either it is the best effort that comes from us, or it is actually the worst effort that we offer for that particular task.

The level of success that we gain in this life is on a par with the level of effort that we put in, thus, make some extra efforts in creating the extra success in terms of study, work, sport or anything. The key is SUCCESS = EFFORT. And oh, + LUCK =D
