April Girl!

This post is so gonna be balderdash- I'm writing this without having any sapient advice or valuable insights to share with you people. Give me a short one minute, and I’ll think of something to write here. Hmm.


Dear readers, I've just turned 22 (10 days ago to be exact), so hooray hey happy belated birthday to me! *dances in delight* Well that’s not the highlight of this gibberish post. Ohmygawd what was I planning to say a second ago? Uh.

Oh ahha, I was born in a big family with 12 siblings, and I've gotta admit that I learnt how to be gratified and perked up even by simple little things in this life for that very reason. Never in my entire life I've celebrated my birthday or have it celebrated by other people. I never know how it feels like to be in a grand birthday party or unwrap boxes of special birthday presents. I never know how it feels like to get a long chain of birthday wishes on Facebook whatsoever. But who cares. I myself don’t even bother to remember my own birthday, and I tell you what, if it’s not because of those less-than-50 “Hey Happy Birthday”, “Sweet 22 darling”, “HB” messages appearing on my phone, pfft I wouldn't even realize it’s my birthday on that particular date. Oh well.

Frankly speaking (I MEAN it), birthday is merely a date for me. Another ordinary day to go through and a turning point in fact, for me to grow wiser as I get older. *frowns* I wonder if that’s the reason my mom asked me to start wearing handbag (ain't no way I'm gonna do that), donning wah-so-girly-ah-you dress (depends on occasion), applying some makeup (oh yea hantu to be for sure) and all, you know, girlish stuff. Ehhem.

So what do I do on my birthday? Taking a bath and brushing my teeth and playing games as usual and heeeee. Just kidding, nothing special. Or maybe, there is indeed something special that I always do on this day.

A call.

Rather than expecting a call from someone special, I actually anticipate more to give a call to someone special. (Someone special? No) Two-ones special– mom and dad (oh my, ignore those nonsensical English words please, haha). Dato’ Dr. Haji Mohd Fadzilah Kamsah once said, “Birthday is meant to be a day for you to thank your parents for raising you well, a day for you to give a gift for them instead of yourself. You are what you are today because of them, remember that.”

I reckon that explains everything for my two cents on this birthday topic. Thanks for the wishes anyway peeps! And I do love cakes (Just saying). Good night.


A year older. Mami dah start cakap pasal boyfriend, and so I reacted like...

Seriously Mami? *Mode menggatai hahaha*


  1. Nah ur birthday wish on blog. Happy belated birthday!! Now u r older than me. Haha.

  2. OMG, that marks the first comment I've ever received on my blog! Haha, I thought you're a year older than me pal. Ain't it? =P


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