It's hard to write when your mind is in turmoil. *sighs*

If I could sum up my day (today) in one word, then it would be GOD-AWFUL. A hellish bad day indeed. I almost got into a serious car accident and then got stuck in a traffic jam because there had been another dreadful car accident on my way back home. What else? Cooking yea; I failed miserably. Well the food was still scrumptiously edible (they said so) but I just didn't get the right taste of it. So yea, it sucks. 

Hoping for a better tomorrow. Goodnight peeps.


KISS is an acronym for "Keep it simple, stupid" as a design principle noted by the U.S. Navy in 1960. Variations on the phrase include "keep it short and simple" and "keep it simple and straightforward".

Retrieved from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle (7th May 2014)


  1. Be tough and strong! Insyallah everything ada hikmah dri-Nya. :)


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