
Showing posts from August, 2018

Pangkor On Fleek!

3 days and 2 nights well spent I would say. It should have been a team building event some sort, but I guess it's better said as team breaking instead for me. Pangkor was fun, really. Or it might be just my compelling thought after secluding myself for 24/7 works for the past few months.  I remember reading one sentence that goes like "A little of something different seems more enticing than a great deal of something familiar". Simply said,  buat benda lain sikit je pun dah cukup menarik bila kita dah bosan buat benda yang sama memanjang. Just like when we grow fatigued with our routines and start finding ways then to escape the ennui, the relief is just like "ahhh finally" though it might only be 5 minutes break from the same thing over and over again. So back to this Pangkor, what's with the hype after all? Apart from their legendary anchovies, salted fish and dried shredded squid nibbles whatnot (because food is my priority, as always) , the ...

Banana The Minions The Champion!

BA BA BA BABANANA BA BA BA BABANANA BANANA NA AHH  POTATO NA AH AH BANANA AH AH Okay cut it off people; I know you're humming to it now. I'm a potato and I like banana a lot, but that doesn't make a minion though. What makes me become one is because of this fruity match and we ended it in minion-esque way, pretty much I guess. Okay  I'm one of the all yellow and average size Banana-cum-Minion people, cheering with "Nana" annoying sounds all the way long, like literally yeah. But who cares, we won the game after all! We had an utter blast you know, from badminton to table tennis (why should people play tennis on a table though), to this grand finale of so-called TEM family day. All those frolic games from kaki galah to kembar siam to hit-and-run cans whatnots; man I almost lost my voice for cheering non-stop haha! It happened just in time when I was about to lose my spirit because of incessant mental and emotional tu...